Influencer Orchestration Network

How Predictive Analytics Can Help Find Your Brand Soulmates

Predictive Analytics

Two leading voices in data science will speak about predictive analytics at the [a]list summit.

The era of predictive analytics is here. Attendees at Ayzenberg Group’s [a]list summit can get an exclusive peek into the science behind it from the ION team. During the presentation How Predictive Analytics Can Help Find Your Brand Soulmates, ION’s CTO Kai Mildenberger and Dr. Galen Buckwalter, the data scientist behind eHarmony and and a scientific advisor to ION, will discuss how combining advanced data and social sciences can provide a cognitive approach to influencer marketing.

Predictive Analytics

Cognitive computing systems have been in the news for beating humans at the game show Jeopardy and even the strategy game Go, but the processing power they provide has applications that will change the way we interact, learn and work. These technologies are actually capable of learning about the people who create and interact with the massive amount of content created every day. In just a few years, these technologies and the hardware on which they run have made a huge leap forward. They are now poised to have a transformative effect on modern life.

How can these platforms help brands connect with target audiences more effectively? Mildenberger and Buckwalter will show how the Brand Soulmates platform is leveraging the power of natural language processing, deep learning, data mining and advanced pattern recognition to make sense of the world of social media and digital content. Using that information, Brand Soulmates helps ION understand the personalities and attributes of creators, audiences and brands themselves so it can match them up with the ideal influencers and audiences for content collaboration and hyper-targeting.

Predictive Analytics

Ready to find out how predictive marketing analytics will impact your influencer marketing efforts? Join us for this session at the [a]list summit on April 20th. Not going to be in Seattle for the big show? You can also sign up to watch the live stream of the event.